Inspired by nature

We are inspired by a future where the products we use are connected and in harmony with the natural world. Starting from the raw materials, we support and welcome the paths necessary to bridge the gap between man and nature.

Humble beginnings

Building Kodama up to this point has been a labor of love. We've come this far with no external investment and have mostly worked from home. We're proud of where we started and see the project as a stepping stone to build Kodama into a brand that has a positive impact on the earth and its communities.

Brought to life on Kickstarter

We launched our first product in May 2022 and were successfully funded with the help of over 1300 backers on Kickstarter. For us, the campaign was a confirmation that the world needs more solutions for today's synthetic standard in clothing. We're inspired to use this momentum to make Kodama the meaningful brand we set out to be.

Bould by Kodama

Watch the first video that started our journey.


We're a small group of fun people living between Colorado and Vietnam: two beautiful, unique places for exploration and adventure.

The Colorado Rockies


Support the hemp industry
For a cleaner future
small series
Support the hemp industry
For a cleaner future
Support the hemp industry
For a cleaner future
small series
Support the hemp industry
For a cleaner future

The Founder's Story

Chatan (right) started Kodama as a side project during the pandemic after stumbling upon hemp and learning about its environmental benefits.

In order to turn the material into one suitable for clothing, we had to travel to its sources in Vietnam and China. Our goal is to bring this versatile and sustainable material into products we love.

what we believe in

Addressing our biggest challenges through community and reconnection.

optimism and curiosity

Our curiosity drives us. We believe that trying and learning is better than nothing. We face adversity with a positive and consistent attitude in order to constantly improve.

Appreciation & Awareness

When we love and appreciate the earth, we take the first steps to protecting and replenishing it and developing a deeper awareness of what makes the planet thrive.

regeneration and reconnection

We become part of the collective mission to regenerate and rejuvenate the planet by understanding how connected we are to it. If this idea spreads, everyone benefits.

A brighter future

Our goal is to promote environmental awareness by connecting people with nature. Important solutions to our climate crisis today lie in a regenerative and renewable mindset for our production and energy needs. We believe that with the use and awareness of more regenerative plants like hemp, we have a chance to keep the planet rich and our future much healthier!